
29th Aug 2013



Originally known as “Wardian Cases”  the terrarium was accidentally developed by a  physician living in Victorian England.

 In 1827 Dr. Nathaniel Ward of London, England was experimenting with cocoons. He  placed a couple deep into a  jar with a tiny bit of soil, to observe how they would  develop.

 Imagine his surprise when tiny ferns began growing inside his jar! The spores from  the  ferns outside had wafted in on the air, and made their way into Dr Ward’s jar. In  this  perfect moist and humid  environment, they jumped to life!

Dr Ward’s glass cases became all the rage. They were a perfect match to the Victorian obsession with collecting ferns. Soon, any self respecting Victorian Lady had to have at least a couple of them  in her home.

All these years later, our fascination with terrariums continues. It’s no wonder…with such low maintenance requirements, they make perfect living companions!